Restylane® Information San Diego

We have been getting a lot of people asking this same question.  What is RestylaneÒ ????  Today we are going to answer all your burning questions.

What is Restylane®?

Restylane® is a gel that is injected into the skin in order to add volume to lips and lift up wrinkles around the mouth and nasolabial folds. Restylane® consists of hyaluronic acid, which is a natural substance already present in your body. The hyaluronic acid in Restylane® is non-animal derived and treatment does not require an allergy test.

How is a Restylane® treatment performed?

Before the Restylane® injection, a dental block will be performed for maximum comfort. The Restylane® gel is then injected into your skin in tiny amounts with a very fine needle. The gel produces volume under the wrinkle, which is lifted up and smoothed out. When enhancing lips or facial contours, Restylane® adds volume and shape to the treated area.

How long will a Restylane® procedure take?

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Botox® Cosmetic Treatment in San Diego

Botox® Cosmetic Treatment in San Diego

Do your wrinkles make you look older than you are?  As skin becomes less elastic over time, repeated facial expressions create visible lines and wrinkles in the forehead, frown lines, and around the eyes. Botox® is a purified protein that temporarily relaxes the muscles that cause these wrinkles to form and prevents the formation of new ones.  This procedure takes only minutes and within days you will see a marked improvement.  To maintain your youthful appearance, two to three follow-up treatments are recommended throughout the year. Schedule San Diego Botox® treatment in our Mission Valley medical spa today!

Acupuncture May Help with Headaches

timelessacupunctureIf you suffer from regular headaches, you might want to give acupuncture a try.  German research found that people who receive acupuncture 15 times over three months had nearly half as many headaches as before.  And the headaches they did get were less severe.  Both migraines and tension headaches they get were acupuncture .
In acupuncture, thin needles are inserted into specific spots on the body.  For most people, it’s totally painless. Scientist don’t understand exactly how acupuncture works.  But it seems to boost the body’s pain-fighting ability.

Caramel-Glazed Apple Cake

Green With Flavor!

TimelesslaserclinicapplecakeWith Halloween just around the corner the team from TLC decided to make an apple caramel cake.  It is going to be a delicious cake and I’m just so exited to eat it.  I love caramel.  Try the recipe and let us know how it turned out.  The Caramel –Glazed Apple Cake will go good with a scoop of vanilla ice cream or a cold glass of milk. Continue reading

Hand Treatment Tip

A Quick Hand Treatment                     timelesshandtreatment

Hands are the most visible parts of you, but they also take a lot of abuse. You use them in everyday activity, and yet, they are the ultimate accessory. You must give them the same attention you give your face.

* Soften your hands even while you do the dishes. Add a little almond oil (about a teaspoon) to dishwater. The water will soften rought skin while the oil seals the moisture.

* Slough off dead skin cells with a solution made of sea salt lemon. Brush it into hands with an old toothbrush. Do this twice a week to soften hands and remove discoloration. Continue reading

What You Should Know Before and After Laser Hair Removal


Before Laser Hair Removal Treatment

  • Avoid use of Accutane for 6-9 months prior to laser hair removal treatment.
  • Avoid waxing, plucking, or depilatories for a minimum of 4 weeks.
  • Wait at least 2 weeks for laser hair removal treatment if you have had a chemical peel or injections (Restylane, Botox, collagen) in the area to be treated.
  • Stop use of exfoliants, such as Renova and Glycolic Acid, on area to be treated 1 week prior to laser hair removal treatment.
  • Shave area before each laser hair removal treatment.
  • Skin should be clean, with no lotion, make-up, deodorant, perfume, or sunscreen before laser hair removal treatment. Continue reading